Issue, renewal and exchange of workshop digital tachograph cards

Issue, renewal and exchange of workshop digital tachograph cards

Iesnieguma izskatīšana digitālā tahogrāfa darbnīcas kartes pirmreizējai izsniegšanai, atjaunošanai vai nomaiņai

Following registration of a vehicle and before it can be operated, any vehicle used for commercial road transport operations or the carriage of your own goods which is fitted with a digital or smart tachograph requires tachograph calibration. Tachograph calibration includes checking the vehicle licence plate, vehicle identification number, tyre size, actual circumference of the tyres, number of wheel revolutions, speed, clock time deviations, device constants and other checks and identification. Tachograph calibration is performed by a certified workshop by means of a workshop tachograph card and a specialised workshop testing device. Following the calibration of the tachograph, a certified workshop will attach an installation plaque in a clearly visible place near the tachograph or directly on it. Tachograph inspections must be performed at least every 2 years.

A workshop card is used for checking, installing, repairing, replacing, and calibrating digital or smart tachographs and downloading data, and identifies the owner of the workshop card authorised to perform these operations. A workshop card can be used by a duly qualified person having documents that certify their qualifications to perform operations with tachographs and working in the respective certified workshop. A person may have at their disposal only one valid card of the respective workshop.

Workshop cards are issued for a period of 1 year.

The guaranteed time frame for the initial issue, renewal or replacement of a workshop card with a new one is 15 working days of receipt of the application and payment.

If the card is lost, stolen, damaged or faulty, a new card is issued within 5 working days of receipt of an application.

Documents to be submitted:

  • an application form;
  • a copy of the card user’s passport or ID (identification card);
  • a 45 x 35 mm photograph of the card user which is not older than 3 months;
  • a copy of the workshop’s accreditation certificate.

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